This viral feta pasta recipe is the laziest dinner you’ll ever make.
First, cook pasta until al dente. We used shell pasta, but choose your favorite type. We tried this recipe with spaghetti and penne, and both worked perfectly. After cooking pasta, don’t forget to preserve the pasta water for the sauce.
The most important kitchen utensil we need for the feta pasta recipe is a baking form. Wash cherry tomatoes and add them to the baking form. Pour passata and add black pitted olives. Sprinkle with olive oil and spices, and place a block of feta in the middle. Bake for 40-50 minutes in top-bottom mode.
We use cherry tomatoes in this recipe because we cook in spring. And cherry tomatoes are easy to get at this time. If you make the dish in summer, you can use fresh and juicy seasonal tomatoes. Using regular tomatoes, cut them into pieces. The recipe works so well with them! But of course, if you want to make the most lazy version of this recipe, go for cherry tomatoes. You only need to wash them. No need to cut. When picking tomatoes, go for ripe tomatoes with thin skin.
Olives are optional in this recipe, but we truly recommend them. Add them and let them bake with the other ingredients. They absorb tomato juice and add a tangy and slightly salty note to the sauce.
Take that sauce out of the oven and press with a fork. Add pasta water and combine. The extra creamy sauce is ready. Now, the last step is to add cooked pasta and combine. If the sauce is too thick, add more pasta water. Sprinkle with the cheese of your choice! Let’s eat a lazy, delicious feta pasta, which is ready.
Check this page if you need an exact list of ingredients and measurements for the feta pasta recipe.